The Castle Leuchtenburg, built in 13th century and located in the State of Thuringia, Germany, hosts the permanent exhibition "Porcelain Worlds". The aim was to rediscover the history of – and fascination with – the "White Gold" trough the play of art; nature and language about porcelain. TRIAD Berlin was tasked to design two of seven distinct exhibition sections, "The Exotic" and "The Everyday".
"The Exotic"
The section on "The Exotic" is dedicated to the origins of porcelain and its way from Asia to the curiosity cabinets of European kings and sovereigns.
"The Everyday"
The exhibition room on "The Everyday" provides an overview of the many facets of porcelain production that emerged since the age of industrialization and illustrates the outstanding expertise in porcelain manufacturing still available in Thuringia.
Tasks and provided services for this project
Design Development, Construction Documents,FF&E Specs, Costs estimate
Leuchtenburg Foundation, Germany
Triad Berlin, Germany
Video Exhibition: https://www.triad.de/en/projects/porcelain-worlds/
Video Leuchtenburg http://www.leuchtenburg.de/en/porcelain-worlds-en.html