BOSCH Pavillon Traveling Festival in India
To mark the anniversary the traveling festival "Infinite Opportunities - 100years Germany & India" was initiated by the German Government. The aim was to provide a platform for major German companies and institutions to educate the Indian public about their capabilities and products in 10 Indian cities across the entire country. BOSCH as leading global supplier of technology and services participated with its own pavillon amongst others.
Design Concept, Colors, Materials
The pavillon is comprised of two equal connected parts, the spatial design for the actual exhibition plays with that duplication by using opposite concepts. The first pavillon features a very large circular 3D model of the Bosch World with corresponding displays along the walls to provide more in depth information. The model shows Bosch's the distinct business areas Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology trough abstract 3D elements like sky scraper and suburban houses, solar energy charging stations and wind generator off shore. They are highlighted by an animated cycle of hidden lighting within the elements. The second pavillon focusses on the company history and Human resources.
All of the pavillons parts were produced in India according to German plans provided by a German engineering company. The demanding conditions of a travel exhibit in extreme climate with ten different stops and long transportation by trucks all across India had to be taken into account for the design decisions. The Bosch World model was entirely produced in two parts in Germany made out of non wood plastic components, the displays are built similar to flight cases that can closed, folded and connected.
Tasks and provided services for this project
Design Development of floor plan layouts; models and hands-on exhibits, visitor flow, thematic stations, Material selection Collaboration with intern and extern consultants for Graphics; Video and Lighting, Planning of 3D Bosch World model, Costs estimate, Construction Documents, Overseeing execution
TRIAD Berlin, Germany